About us

Meg Hunter-Kilmer (the author) is a hobo missionary. After 2 theology degrees from Notre Dame and 5 years as a high school religion teacher, she quit her job in 2012 to live out of her car and preach the Gospel to anyone who would listen. 50 states and 25 countries later, this seems to have been a less ridiculous decision than she initially thought. Meg loves telling stories, learning about Saints, reading the Bible, and watching the Olympics. She is a proud godmother of ten and aunt of eleven. You can follow her on Instagram or Facebook, read her articles on Aleteia, listen to her podcast, or learn more on her webpage.
Lindsey Sanders (the illustrator) is the creator of AlmondRod Toys, an Etsy shop that sells Catholic toys she designs herself. When she was in college she quit art to get a degree in Christian ministry, but finally took it back up again when she couldn’t find the beautiful and affordable Catholic resources she knew ought to exist for her kids. She now has seven kiddos 1 to 13 years old that she homeschools in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The best decision she ever made was becoming Catholic, and the second best was marrying a brilliant theologian who always cooks for her. You can follow her on Instagram and Facebook.
Lindsey and Meg met in college, when Meg took a tennis class with Lindsey’s boyfriend (now husband) Aaron. Little did they know that was the beginning of a lifelong friendship. Meg is godmother to Lindsey’s oldest child and a frequent visitor in the Sanders house. She’s also Lindsey’s biggest fan.